Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hay House

I've just posted a link to Hay House, the most inspiring publishing company on the planet. If you're not familiar with the works of Louise L. Hay, and other Hay House authors like Wayne Dyer, and others, you should do yourself the favor.

You may be wondering what self-help, new age, or conciousness theory has to do with weight training. I would say everything. All strength comes from within. Bodybuilding is not just a physical activity. We create our bodies with our thoughts, words, feelings, and emotions. You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay will teach you more about healthy living than any other book I know of. I've found it fun to combine her ideas on mirrorwork with those suggested by Arnold in his Bodybuilding Encyclopedia.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Healthy Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding has gotten a bad rep over the years. Some think of drug taking muscle-monsters whenever they hear the word. Bodybuilding, however, is a healthy hobby, and a lifestyle that delivers huge returns. I think it's important to seek a balance. It doesn't have to be about bicep peaks, and washboard abs, competition, or corporate sponsorships. You can lift, because you love life, and want to stick around the party as long as possible in a healthy body. Like yoga, it has more to do with feeling than appearance.

Growth is the ultimate goal. Pumping the 'ol iron can help you grow physically, spiritually, and emotionally, just be safe. Bodybuilding is a great tool for enhancing one's life, but it can also consume it. Weighttraining can become an addiction and turn a good thing bad. I knew a guy once who was seriously overtraining and eventually left the gym in an ambulance. Consequently, he couldn't use his right arm for about eight months. Don't be like that guy.

I see bodybuilding entering a new age. An age where mystique will be replaced by simple, effective strategies. Watching the champions of old grow older is partly responsible. Role models like Frank Zane are proving that bodybuilding, proper mindset, and nutrition are an effective fountain of youth. Growing older is a gift, and growing is what it's all about right?