As someone with a lifelong pattern of miscommunication, I was very excited to read Blamestorming by Rob Kendall. I was expecting to be taking lots of notes, however the author does a fantastic job of breaking conversations down and showing how they go bad, as well as how they can be fixed or at least made more effective. I believe most everyone could benefit from reading this book, as so much of our modern lifestyle is interdependent on how clearly we communicate. I like how Mr. Kendall describes conversations as creative yet messy. So often we can think we're really getting along with someone, oblivious to the train wreck fast approaching. Blamestorming:" Why Conversations go Wrong and How to Fix Them" is a very thought provoking read. It contains easily absorbed information, and colorfully stated concepts that are simple to remember, making them easily accessible, powerful strategies. Another thing that's nice about this book, is that it isn't a total overhaul prescription for changing the way you interact and express yourself through conversation, it's more like a guide for avoiding common pitfalls. Excellent book. I was sent a review copy by the publisher. I was not financially compensated, and the opinion expressed in this review is my honest assessment.