Personal power and self mastery are terms that have been bandied about in self-help books for decades, but author Brendon Burchard does a great job of putting a face on those concepts, and making them accessible to everyone. As a person who is already driven and motivated to some extent, I was going to skip this book, but I'm glad I didn't. Mr. Burchard has a poetic, stylish voice, but he also goes for the jugular. He doesn't waste time or pull punches. He asks the tough questions, and reminds the reader often that we are personally responsible for our success or failure. The 9 Declarations are inspiring and fascinating. Each is given a thorough explanation and study with practical examples included. The journaling suggestions in this book can bring clarity and a sense of possibility to many different kinds of challenges. If true freedom and personal development appeal to you, then you'll get a lot out of The Motivation Manifesto. I was given a review copy of this book by the publisher, Hay House Inc., I was not financially compensated in any way and the opinion expressed is my honest assessment of the product.