Thetahealing Rhythm For Finding Your Perfect Weight by Vianna Stibal is an incredible book. It isn't for everybody, but if you have experience, or are interested in energy healing, this will be right up your alley. Being unfamiliar with the author's previous books, I was initially confused about what thetahealing entails. However, she cleared up my confusion pretty quickly. The integrated mind, body, spirit approach she offers is what sets this program apart from so many others. Her introduction contains the divine revelation "Anyone who tells you that you can release weight without exercise is trying to sell you something. You have to exercise!" The latter sections of the book deal with exercise and nutrition. But like all good teachers she starts by taking a deep look at the foundation of the issue. Beliefs. Those of us who have successfully lost extreme amounts of weight know, that the outward changes only mirror the effect of the inward changes. And those beliefs must change drastically. Vianna Stibal covers many of the limiting, dangerous beliefs in detail. That section alone makes this book a 5 star read. This is a fantastic book. The author sums it up best by saying, "This program is for those people who are intuitive;who realize that there is no separation between mind, body, and soul." Many of the ideas offered, are concepts I wish I'd have been exposed to years ago. There are empowering points she makes, that I've been trying to teach to my own personal training clients. The sections on running and exercising "without exercising" are brilliant. This book is a powerful tool, and is a definite keeper in my fitness library.
I received a free copy of this book from Hay House for review purposes, I was not financially compensated. This review reflects my honest opinion and assessment of this book.
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