This book has been described as a jumping off place for spiritual mavericks to develop their own vision or philosophy. More than that, it's kind of like having life, the universe, and everything explained through the mind of a sexy, interesting, self-described party girl. I'm rating it 5 stars, because I see so many reviewers on amazon giving it 4, and I am a true maverick. There are certainly concepts here that have been discussed countless times before, but they're approached in a fresh way. If this were the first book on consciousness I'd ever read, I'd be completely blown away. Having read plenty already, I'm still quite blown away. The author views IS (Infinite Source) through the visual cue of a disco ball broken down into 4 quadrants. It's goofy, but it's a fun way of looking at deep concepts. When spirituality and holistic notions are presented in a more down to earth manner, they're much more digestable, and seem more reasonable. The idea of living an enlightened life is more accessible when all the b.s. is stripped away, and it's looked at from a different perspective. I particularly enjoyed the sections of the book that dealt with taking personal responsibility for your physical health. That's a key item that's missing from most spiritual teachings, and it shouldn't be considering its importance. The divine disco ball might not appeal to you, but it's still a great book to get a ball of your own rolling. I received a free copy of this book for review purposes from Hay House, and was not financially compensated. This review represents my honest assessment.

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