Eldon Taylor's new book Choices and Illusions is a fascinating study of the human mind. It goes beyond what most motivational or inspirational leaders teach. If you are a person who is serious about improving some area of your life, you'll benefit greatly from Choices and Illusions. By focusing on how the mind relates to perceptions and behaviors, the reader is educated in the how and why it can be difficult to change. Some of this is heady stuff. I found myself having to reread sections, several times, but didn't mind at all because the writing is brilliant and thought provoking. The idea that our subconcious belief patterns hold us in check, and prevent us from achieving what we truly want, is something everyone should take a look at. The book comes with a CD of Eldon Taylor's patented Innertalk technology. A 55 minute program entitled Unlimited Personal Power. I've been using it for about 4 days, a little early to say so, but I do feel maybe a bit more confident and hopeful. As a daily meditator, and someone who's been using subliminal technologies going back to Robert Monroe's original Hemisync tapes, I have to say it certainly hastens me into a deeper trance state than any of the other technologies on the market today. This book is worth taking a look at if you're curious, but especially if you're serious about taking control of your life and the mind that colors it, even when you're not looking. I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing. I wasn't paid for my opinion, it's mine alone. I suggest you read Choices and Illusions (2013 edition) to develop an opinion of your own.

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