Friday, June 13, 2014

Good-Bye Bumps by Dr. Wayne Dyer and Saje Dyer

The folks at Hay House were nice enough to send me a copy of Dr. Wayne Dyer's

new book he wrote with his daughter Saje. It's called "Good-bye Bumps: Talking

to What's Bugging You." I was not paid for my review, opinions expressed are all

my own. I read this book to my five year old son. He seemed to enjoy it, and get

a lot out of the subject matter. I'm interested in seeing if he applies what he

learned, pretty confident he will. The artwork is great, it's interesting and

colorful without being too girly for boys to tune out. The story is about how

when Saje Dyer was 5 years old she had some facial bumps that caused her some

embarassment and pain. Her father gave her an idea. She could try talking to

what it was that was bothering her, and disempower its hold on her. It's heady

stuff for a five year old, but it's presented well, and easily understood if

given a chance. My son was helped a lot by the list at the end, where the little

girl reiterates the idea with bullet points on a chalkboard. Great book, great

ideas that can change ones perspective and change the lives of some great kids.

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